Tuesday, June 10, 2008

CLOSE: BEN Dbl. Calendar +6.4%

I started on 5/29/08 with the Jun 95 & 100 put calendars for an original cost basis of $3.43.

On 6/5 it peaked up through 105 so removed my bottom side and adding a top leg at 105.
SOLD CALENDAR BEN 100 JUL 08/JUN 08 95 PUT @1.30 credit
BOT CALENDAR BEN 100 JUL 08/JUN 08 105 PUT @2.15 debit
My adjusted cost basis was= $3.43 -1.30+2.15= $4.28

My lesson learned so far with these calendars is to begin with a single calendar unless it is definitely channeling between the 2 strikes I am buying with the calendars; size with at least 3 contracts so I have the ability to adjust my position; and add on another calendar later and not have to lose money by removing legs in the future.

Today I exited the trade completely as follows:
SOLD DBL DIAG BEN JUL 08/JUN 08 105/100/105/100 PUT @ $4.50 credit

4.50-4.28/3.43= 6.4% in 13 days

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